Warrior Heart Practice

Ever felt trapped in a story you couldn’t escape? Overwhelmed by self-doubt, fear, or a critical inner voice? The Warrior Heart Practice offers a transformative journey through the four chambers of your heart—feeling, story, truth, and intent. Led by certified Warrior Heart Facilitator Bella, these practices help untangle emotions, rewrite limiting stories, and connect with your soul-aligned truth. Say goodbye to personal suffering and self-limitation; embrace healing, clarity, and inner peace. Whether you’re feeling dissatisfied or lost, discover the power of your intent and become a true Warrior of the Heart.

Claim your courageous Warrior Heart. Allow the power of your intention to move through you as a trusted guide to healing, clarity, truth, inner peace, and freedom.

Have you ever had a story spinning in your head that you couldn’t stop? Or feelings you didn’t know what to do with? Have you ever struggled to find and hold onto truth, or stay clear with your intent and focus? Do you ever sense the life you’re living is a version of a story you’ve been telling yourself for way too long… maybe one of scarcity, self-doubt, and fear?  Perhaps this story is revealed through a self-critical, repetitive inner voice… or an underlying idea that you’re not quite enough… or that your dreams are outrageous and out of reach…

If you’re like many of us, your precious attention and energy is consumed every day just by trying to manage your judgmental mind and your emotional reactions. We’re all amazing, creative, and powerful beings, whose inner vitality could help us solve world problems, bring people together in wondrous ways, and celebrate this unbelievably beautiful gift of life… instead of being drained by our inner drama, conflict, stories and using the power of our word against ourselves.

Your stories and your truth may be so tangled up with one another, they’ve become embedded in who you are… or at least, who you think you are. If you remain tangled up in this way for too long, you can lose your way — no longer recognizing the ever-present heart wisdom within you that lovingly connects all of who you are.

Release fear, limiting beliefs and painful emotions through the four chambers of your heart — feeling, story, truth, and intent — to rewrite the stories you tell yourself into soul-aligned truth. Learn to master the proven practices of the Warrior Heart to allow the power of your intention to move through you as a trusted guide to healing, clarity, truth, inner peace, and freedom.

The way to do this is through the simple process of the Warrior Heart Practice to untangle your emotions from your stories, and your stories from your truth… and then connect your truth with your intent. This is how you can put an end to the misery of personal suffering and self-limitation — and start to consciously create your best life.  It’s time to harness the power of your intent — and allow Life to move through you.

Whether you feel slightly dissatisfied or completely lost and confused, there is an inner light illuminating your way — if you’ll only look for it with new eyes and consciously become a true Warrior of the Heart.

As a certified Warrior Heart Facilitator, Bella will be offering Warrior Heart Practice book discussions, a Warrior Heart Practice One Day in-person intensive, and the Warrior Heart Foundation series in addition to private coaching sessions.


Check the Calendar of Events for upcoming Warrior Heart Practice workshops.



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