In the journey to better health and wellness, victories don’t always come in the form of big leaps forward. Sometimes, it’s the small, courageous steps that matter most. Recently, I took one such step, and it was a testament to the power of self-compassion and determination.

For over a year, I’ve missed the simple pleasure of following my walking videos. They were once a source of joy and vitality in my life, but circumstances due to the long-term effects of my car accident injuries led me to a pause. However, Wednesday and Thursday, a thought started to take root in my mind – the idea of giving it another try. So, I set a goal for myself: this weekend, I would attempt to do one of those walking videos again.

But here’s the catch: I went into it with no expectations. None. I gave myself complete permission to stop if my body needed me to stop. There would be no room for negative self-talk, no pushing beyond what my body could handle. Just stop, simple as that.

And that’s precisely what I did. As I pressed play on that video, I embarked on a journey of self-compassion and self-care. I managed to complete half of the video, even the parts that involved using my arms. When my arms began to tire and the discomfort grew, I made a conscious choice to bring them down to a level that felt comfortable for me. When my body whispered, “Stop,” I listened, without hesitation.

In the end, it was a win-win situation. I had set a goal to try a walking video again, and I achieved it. I managed to do half of the video, celebrating each step I took, both figuratively and literally. It was a testament to the strength of acknowledging and respecting our limits.

Now, as I look ahead, I know that this is just the beginning. Depending on how I feel after my physical therapy this week, I might decide to try it again, perhaps even this week. Or I might choose to wait and try it again next weekend. It’s all about pacing myself, listening to my body, and understanding that progress can be a slow and steady climb.

Maybe next time, I’ll start with just the walking part and add in the arms later. Little by little, step by step, I’ll get there. This weekend reminded me of the importance of patience, self-love, and the courage it takes to take that first step toward our goals. Each small victory reminds us that we are on the right path to wellness, no matter how winding the road may be.

So, to anyone out there facing their own challenges, remember this: progress comes in many forms, and each step you take is a testament to your strength and determination. Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and you’ll find yourself closer to your goals than you ever imagined.

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