I love teaching the Warrior Goddess Foundation series, I always come out learning more about myself, others, and life.

I couldn’t have planned this recent workshop series more perfectly if I tried. I had no idea when scheduling this past series, that this would be exactly what I needed at this time in my life. But I can see now that my Angels, guides, and Universe obviously did. 

I reconnected with my authentic self, my joys, and my dreams, as well as those of my workshop participants. I rediscovered what it meant to be authentically living a joyful life.  Below I will share my discoveries while journeying through and facilitating Reclaim Your Warrior Goddess Sass these past five weeks on what it means to be authentically living from a place of deep joy. 

Four Steps to Authentic Living

1. Connect with the inner wisdom of your heart.

Uncovering authenticity comes from going within.  We learn to discern and hear the inner wisdom of our hearts through daily silence; a still space that allows the messages to flow through to our awareness without judgment or attachment. This ever-presence guidance is like your internal north star always steering you in the right direction if you pay attention and listen. 

2. Realize the difference between your soul and ego.

Our soul is the seat of all that is. The seat of unconditional love, divine light, positivity, the wisdom of lessons learned, and a vast space of unlimited possibilities. It is here we receive and experience spaciousness, connection, unconditional love, and complete support.

Ego on the other hand comes from a place of negativity such as judgment, blame, accusations, and fear. Ego can keep you safe by having you play it small, or it can have you trying to keep up with the Jones’ as the ol’ saying goes. 

3. Reconnect with your true, authentic self.

Take time to go within, layer by layer, and uncover the judgments, misconceptions, and lies we tell about ourselves and let them go. 

Take a look at yourself in a mirror, meditate or perhaps take the time to journal and ask yourself, “Who is this person? What has made me who I am today? What experiences have created this unique divine being? What am I feeling? What brings me joy? What stories am I telling myself?  Please remember not to judge yourself as things come up. Be curious and keep asking yourself questions. 

4.  Find some magick and joy.

Beginning today, do one new thing daily that brings you joy. Temporary happiness builds and reinforces joy, but soul-deep joy weaves a base of strength and magick within. 

When we are flourishing spiritually, emotionally, and physically, it evokes joy in how we live and feel. Move out of the familiarity of your comfort zone and do something unexpected.  Pursue a heartfelt desire that you have been holding onto for a long time, Watch a comedy with a friend. Take a dance class. Go camping and swing in a hammock.  Call an old friend. Volunteer somewhere nurturing. Connect with your creativity. 

Whatever you choose to be in this moment. Understand that this is what life will feel like when living authentically, free of masks, judgment, fear, and pretense – when each day is meaningful and suffused with joy.

Remember, authentic living is about the journey, not the destination. 

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