Claim Your Magick Oracle Reading


Unveil Your Magick with the Claim Your Magick Reading.

This powerful 3-card spread, delivered as a personalized PDF, cuts through fear to reveal your true magickal potential. Discover what holds you back, where your magick lies, and the steps to unlock it.

Claim your power. Get your reading today!


Do you yearn to embrace your inner magick but fear holds you back? The Claim Your Magick Oracle Reading offers a potent tool for self-discovery and empowerment.

This unique 3-card spread, channeled by Bella, delves into the heart of your magical potential.

  • Unmasking Your Fears: Identify the anxieties and limitations hindering your magical growth.
  • Discovering Your Magick: Unearth the unique magical abilities that are innately yours.
  • Charting Your Path: Gain practical guidance on how to cultivate and utilize your magic.

Through Bella’s insightful interpretations and the wisdom of the cards, you’ll receive:

  • Clarity on the fears and doubts blocking your magical journey.
  • A powerful awakening to your true magical potential.
  • Actionable steps to harness your magic and manifest your desires.

What’s Included:

  • A personalized PDF eBook containing your unique 3-card Claim Your Magick spread.
  • In-depth interpretations of each card, channeled by Bella.
  • Guidance, clarity, wisdom, and insight to ignite your magical journey.
  • Beautiful photos of your personal reading layout.

Please note: Allow 5-7 business days for your reading to be emailed to you.

Embrace your inner witch and Claim Your Magick today!

Disclaimer: Please note that each intuitive oracle card reading with Isabella Rose – Bella Rose Healing Hands is an interpretation of the cards and intuitive insights received during the session. Individuals are encouraged to discern and interpret the information based on their own intuition and logic. These readings are not substitutes for professional health, legal, or financial services, nor are they intended as predictive sessions or therapy.




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