Welcome December! Can you believe we are almost halfway through December? The last page on our calendar before we flip to a new year filled with countless possibilities! The days are continuing to get shorter until we reach the Winter Solstice on December 22nd, which marks the shortest day of the year and the return of the Light. Although the days are getting shorter, for many, the days see to be getting longer with the hustle and bustle preparing for the holidays and end of the year. For others, the holidays can be a challenging and difficult time especially for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Remembering self-care during the holiday season is so important. Below I share with you four simple self-care practices to help you nurture yourself.

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Four Simple Nurturing Self-Practices to Try This Holiday Season

  1. Practice restorative self-care: Such care doesn’t require a lot of money or time. Take a few minutes at the beginning and end of every day to meditate, journal, or relax; transform your daily shower or bath into a ritual to detox your energy field after a stressful day; or engage in activities such as walking, yoga, massage, acupuncture, tai chi, or energy work.
  2. Engage in acts of kindness toward yourself. Practice at least one act of kindness toward yourself every day during the holidays. Make a special meal, leave Post-it love notes on the bathroom mirror, book a self-care retreat, or arrange an amazing adventure. This gift to yourself promotes well-being, self-love, and joy while giving you more energy to serve others.
  3. Be forgiving of yourself if you react: When you react negatively to situations, bless yourself, and release blame, resentment, and judgment. Coach yourself by using supportive self-talk to clear negative thoughts and reactions such as “Open your heart and let go.” Focus on the aspects of yourself you love. As you move through your day, notice any negative self-talk, and replace them with positive affirmations such as: “I am kind, I am generous, I am loved or I am trustworthy.”
  4. Slow down and create sacred space: Be mindful of any transition whether it’s between one thought to another, one movement to another, or one choice to another. When you slow down, you become more aware of your breath, thoughts, feelings, and choices at any moment. Slow down so you can notice every moment and what kind of energy you are bringing to it. Some of the spiritual practices that can assist you are: mindfulness movement, meditation, yoga, and breathwork. When you slow down and are in the present moment it also helps you to see the wonder and joy of the season around you through a different lens.

I hope you take some time to slow down, relax and renew yourself.  Celebrate this holiday season from a full cup. 

Are you need of relaxation and inner peace? Schedule an Angel Energy Reiki session with Bella.

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