Bloom and Grow

Bloom and Grow

What better time than spring to bloom and grow and invigorate your wellbeing with a new health routine? Focus on a gentle spring clean to purify the body, mind, and spirit by reducing toxins and overload. Below I share with you four ways you can do just that. Four...

Settle Into Summer

It’s time to settle into summer, now that is in full swing with its hot, sunny long days filling us with energy and enthusiasm. This summer is out of the ordinary from summer pasts, that’s for sure.  I know for me, I am feeling the difference this summer from...
Swing Into Sunny Days

Swing Into Sunny Days

 Now with summer officially here, it is the perfect time to start swinging into sunnier days. This past Saturday ( June 21st) Summer Solstice,  the longest day of the year, marked the first day of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere.  The long sunny...